Admiral for Unreal Engine

Cloud-based Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) for Unreal Engine projects and plugins.

Ship with confidence. Ship it with Admiral.

Admiral is a Kubernetes-native CI/CD system for Unreal Engine projects and plugins. Build and package your code, project, and assets, run automated tests, and create container images for dedicated servers, Unreal-powered microservices or Pixel Streaming applications.

CI/CD Use Cases

Game developers

Build, test and package game clients. Build and deploy container images for dedicated servers.

Plugin developers

Build and test plugins against multiple Engine versions in parallel. Package plugins for distribution on the Unreal Marketplace.

Enterprise applications

Build and deploy your projects and container images with security and integration into existing pipelines.

Simulation and machine learning

Build container images for simulations and deploy them alongside machine learning models in the cloud.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will Admiral support custom versions of the Unreal Engine or console platforms?

Yes. Admiral runs builds in container images provided by the user, facilitating both the use of custom Unreal Engine versions and the inclusion of support for console platforms.

Will there be a cloud-hosted (SaaS) version of Admiral?

No. It is up you to host Admiral either in your own cloud account or on-prem.

How do I get access to Admiral or its documentation?

Use the contact us button below and tell us about your use-case.

Ready to start something amazing?

Contact us today to discuss how we can provide the technology and expertise to make your vision a reality.

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